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Malcolm Chisholm, MSP this morning officially opened the new office for Home Start Leith and North East Edinburgh on Leith Walk.

This branch is part of  a national charity whose volunteers have offered advice, friendship and practical support to families for over 25 years. They help those facing difficulties due to problems such as bereavement, poverty, isolation, multiple-births, lone parenting, illness or disability.

Cutting the ribbon, Mr Chisholm said: 'The more work we can do with young families the better, and I hope Home Start will go from strength to strength in these wonderful new premises'.

Anne Nixon, Senior Coordinator for the last 3 years, is also delighted with the move from Pirrie Street to Leith Walk. The switch has raised the organisation's local profile, and allows better access for the disabled and those with prams.

Last year, 76 local families and 157 children were helped by Home Start, but there is room for more people of all ages to join their 32 volunteers.

New recruits with parenting skills (not necessarily as parents) are asked to commit themselves to visiting families for 2–3 hours a week in their own homes for at least a year. In return, they are offered training and expenses.

Around 96 per cent of Home Start's volunteers say they enjoy the experience, and 87 per cent of employers believe volunteering can help with career progression.

To use Home Start's services or learn more about becoming a volunteer, visit 247 Leith Walk; or Tel. 553 7819; email; web