Glasgow-based Kelvin Properties intends to replace the warehouse at 67 Logie Green Rd with homes for sale and affordable housing.
The developer speaks of proposals ‘in keeping with surrounding properties’ which will ‘help families get a home of their own in a fantastic location’. With other housing developments sprouting in Canonmills, Beaverhall and Warriston Road, it regards the area as ‘thriving and increasingly attractive’, and is confident of significant interest in the latest project.
Key design features include:
- At least 25% affordable housing
- At least 20% family homes
- High-quality external green amenity space at ground level, and on raised decks, balconies, and roof terraces
- Large windows and at least 50% homes enjoying dual aspect
- Low car parking provision, secure cycle storage, e-vehicle charging points
- Photo-voltaic roof panels
- Blue roofs, rain gardens, permeable paving.

Although not required to do so for a development of this scale, KP has begun public consultation, with more detail and feedback forms available here until 22 September. Flyers are already circulating locally. A planning application will follow later this autumn.

Until now, the rather run-down property at No. 67 has operated as the Edinburgh Furniture Initiative, managed by capital charity Four Square. Four Square intends to spend proceeds from the sale on extra hostel accommodation for homeless people, adding to the three it already owns in the city.
EFI will shift to roomier, better connected, and more economical-to-run premises in the West of the city.
EFI’s decision to move was also informed by the current building’s disrepair and tendency to flood. Flats in the new development will start at 12.200m above ordnance datum (mean sea level), i.e. on the first floor.