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Submitted by Editor on

Rain – possibly lots of it – is forecast for tomorrow.

The BBC reckons heavy showers will wet Edinburgh around lunchtime and last until late afternoon. Light showers, it says, will precede and follow. is playing cautiously, suggesting 'more clouds than sun' and a 21 per cent chance of rain in the afternoon. Mealy-mouthed, mimby-pimby science of the worst sort: short on alarming, newsworthy nuggets., thankfully, veers more to the miserablist school of meteorology. It predicts a 'very windy' Saturday, with rain – some heavy – affecting this area 'from Saturday morning into late Saturday night'.

Artisan Roast on Broughton Street doesn't muck about. Its 100 per cent accurate A-board confidently predicts the onset of  floods, storm, shipwreck, thunder and lightning, a giant octopus, and low-flying personal property.

Unpack your galoshes.