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Do you remember this footpath in about the year 2000?

It used to be known as 'Dog-Poo Lane' and was the cause of frequent frustration and disgust for pedestrians trying to get between the Rumbling Bridge and Broughton Road.

In 2015, however, a combination of Environmental Wardens, spot fines and changed dog-owner behaviour has largely eradicated the underfoot nuisance.

Nowadays it’s much worse.

Take another look at the photo top-right. Notice anything amiss?

That’s right. A compostable bag of dog poo is disintegrating in the branches overhead. One day soon – nobody knows when – it will drop. 

What sort of person throws their bag of battleships into a tree? Presumably the same kind of person who chucks their packets of plenty into the burnt-out van currently awaiting removal from St Mark’s Park.

Last time we looked, there were seven such deposits inside.

Or perhaps the sort of person who walks their dog into someone else’s garden uninvited and then doesn’t bother to tidy up afterwards.

Incredibly, this is the problem currently facing residents in Canonmills, where two unidentified women have been spotted exercising their little pooches on Saturday afternoons with not a care for what they leave behind.

It’s private land, so the Boat Green residents are left to tidy up the mess themselves.

‘Through the Spurtle, we’re trying to get the word out to these women that they’re trespassing and we'd like their dogs to shit on their own doorsteps not ours,’ one vexed local told us yesterday. Other Boat Green residents seem to think the source of the problem may be closer to home.

Is this bizarre behaviour confined to Broughton, or are we part of a wider passive-aggressive faeces phenomenon? Your thoughts, please.



 Grant Ballard Branch oot an buy a bonnet !

 Douglas Forrester So that's what those bits of paper on some of the doors at Boat Green say. I saw a guy putting sheets of paper up on some of the doors from my kitchen window yesterday and wondered what it was since there was nothing on the door of my block. I wonder if it's people walking through the development and not cleaning up because I can't imagine the people living here wanting it lying around, I haven't seen it personally but it must be in other places. Clean up folks, not only is it disgusting, but dog s*** can also carry diseases!