Friends of King George V Park and Scotland Yard Parks seek new committee members to play an active role in protecting and improving these treasured spaces at the heart of our community.
‘You could be a user of social media and boost the profile of the park,’ says longstanding stalwart and secretary Judy Conn. ‘You could be involved in ongoing interactions with the Council and/or the New Town Quarter developers.
‘Or you could be concerned with daily life in the park, be the parent of a child who plays there, a gardener, a litter picker, a dog walker, a picnicker, a nature lover, or just somebody who likes to sit in the sun.’
The park faces years of disruption as new building goes ahead on the site immediately adjacent. Watchful and alert park users here have never been more needed.
The roles don’t have to be burdensome, Conn assures us, and tasks can be shared. For more information, contact secretary@kgvsy.org.uk or visit the website at www.kgvsy.org.uk
Friends of King George V and Scotland Yard Parks is a Scottish Charity SCO3345.