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Work on 1–3 Canon Street appears to be progressing well, with the new roof taking shape in damp conditions yesterday.


Thistle Property Group's plans to redevelop Canon House and build new housing behind it (18/07826/FUL) were granted planning permission in 2018, with minor variations made to the proposal since.


Here’s what it looks like along Eyre Place just now …

building site

and here’s what it will look like when finished.


Canon Street feels narrower and more enclosed already …



and this sense will probably be increased when the new buildings on the east side are complete.


However, building here was the norm for much of the street’s history, as shown in Archer’s New Plan of 1809 below (for further maps showing the street's built history, go HERE).


Multi-storey tenements, some of them slums (including Ann's Court, associated with the earliest known murder by Jessie King) and an ice factory occupied the area from the 19th century through to the mid-20th. An image of the building which used to occupy the site of today's petrol station can be found here and there are some fasinating memories of other Canonmills addresses on the Edinphoto website.


This observer has misgivings about the development's appearance from the Rodney Street end of Eyre Place …


but much of this will be obscured by another new building, currently under construction on the site of the former Smithie's Bar and adjacent gardens (23/1201/FUL).

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