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Submitted by Editor on

You may have seen our article in Issue 200 about taking a proactive approach to maintaining your home ('Bricks, mortar, common sense').

On the same theme, Jo Parry – a RIAS Conservation Accredited Architect – will be in the Edinburgh Solicitors' Property Centre on George Street tomorrow (12 noon–2pm) offering advice  on private repairs, organising and supervising work, shepherding neighbours, and the Tenement Act.

She will also be there at the same time on Thursday 17 and 24 November, answering questions, dispensing guidance and handing out free information packs.

Ms Parry works for Hipostyle Architects in Leith, but as far as we are aware her advice is impartial and comes without obligation.The ESPC is at 85 George Street.

-----Further building news------

The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland writes:

Every November, the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) is the force behind National Maintenance Week. The campaign aims to encourage professionals, homeowners and others to be aware of simple, economic and achievable maintenance steps they can take to protect their buildings. 

To celebrate five years of Building Maintenance Lectures in Scotland, the SPAB in Scotland are offering a full day of lectures on the theme of energy efficiency on Tuesday 22 November. The SPAB, Historic Scotland and colleagues will present their recent research into energy efficiency performance in old buildings, aimed to be presented and delivered by professionals for professionals and homeowners.

The SPAB lectures will be held in The Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunk's Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh. You can find further details and an application form in the file below.