Leith Central Community Council opposes plans to convert the bingo hall at 26 Manderston Street into purpose-built student accommodation (24/01162/FUL).
In doing so, it joins 34 other residents and amenity groups in objecting to Longstone (2) Ltd’s proposals, which include 227 bedrooms, a new extension, areas of infill, refurbishment of a railway arch to form cycle parking, and associated landscaping. Some 21 comments were submitted in favour of the plans.

LCCC’s detailed response runs to 7 tightly spaced pages. Here we summarise 11 of the key points.
- Absence of housing provision, contrary to the Halmyre Street Place Brief.
- Taken in combination with PBSA on the adjacent site, an excessive concentration of students.
- Negative effect on neighbouring buildings, resulting in failure to meet minimum daylight requirements in some of their rooms.
- Design deficiencies detracting from the overall attractiveness and liveability of the area.
- Absence of new commercial units along primary travel route.
- Failure to assess impact (e.g. noise/air quality) of existing nearby businesses on potential residents.
- Lack of accessible parking.
- Failure to address Edinburgh Urban Design Panel’s concerns about student accommodation, land use, layout, height, materials and security.
- No plans to mitigate ground contamination on the site.
- Window distances below minimum standards would hinder any future conversion of the structure into housing.
- Destruction of historic foyer and its Art Deco details would diminish cultural heritage and character of the site.
The deadline for comments was 20 April. The case will now be considered by the Development Management Sub-Committee with a determination expected by 6 May.

