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Submitted by Editor on

Full details, background papers, plans and drawings are now available for the controversial proposal to mount mobile telephone antennae on Dundas Street's Centrum House (Ref. 11/00334/FUL).

Elevation A – the first pdf at the link above – makes it clear that Vodafone and 02 are not proposing a new Post Office Tower at the gateway to the Edinburgh World Heritage Site.

However, many will still question why the (roughly) 2-metre high equipment needs to be positioned so close to the front of the building where it is most likely to be seen. Would slightly higher equipment – positioned further back towards the centre of the building – serve the same purpose without disrupting the roofscape as viewed from street level?

Following Spurtle's intervention, the Council deadline for comments on this application was extended by a week on 14 February. Those for or against the proposal have until 18 March to make their feelings known.