In Issue 323 we reported Molmoor Waverley Ltd’s application to erect a temporary Festival Village above Waverley Mkt lasting 3 years (22/04639/FUL). In fact, it had already been built.
We covered both sides of the debate about the proposal’s suitability, including the views of those who said, ‘Edinburgh’s built heritage and local businesses nearby deserve better than year-round gimcrack booze domes and a blighted view.’
Environmental Protection reported that the operation was already attracting complaints about noise and would likely continue to do so. Edinburgh World Heritage Trust, the Cockburn Association and the Old Town Association lodged separate objections.
Five residents raised concerns about probable noise, mess and congestion; 4 did so about ‘debasement of public space’.

On 9 Dec, the Development Management Sub-Cmte refused the application because, over a continuous 3-year period, it would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the New and Old Town conservation areas and on the setting of a nearby listed building and on the Outstanding Value of the Edinburgh World Heritage Site.
Councillors found that not only was Molmoor’s proposal not a high-quality design, but it was also a poor-quality design.
So, near consensus. Only, did the Festival Village continue to operate without planning permission pending an appeal? Yes. And what is to stop the same thing happening again year after year? As things stand, nothing.
See Issue 325 for more on these issues.