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Feeling the heat?

Then spare a thought for the Broughton Scouts travelling abroad today for a Kayaking Adventure in south-central France. 

Twenty-eight plucky lads, lassies and leaders have spent the last 18 months planning for nine days of camping, caving and climbing, the trip culminating in an overnight kayak expedition down the Ardèche River. 

Daytime temperatures there are predicted to reach 98.6º F (37ºC) and not dip below 89ºF (32º).

Camp Leader Scott Richards told Spurtle, ‘The Scouts have worked hard to fund-raise and plan for this trip and they are super excited.

‘We'll travel to the south of France by train and then spend a few days training and adjusting to the heat before negotiating the Ardèche River’.

Warm temperatures will come as a relief to those on the water since, as everyone knows, you can’t have your kayak and heat it.

Sensibly, all the young people all kitted out with brand-new hoodies to keep the sun off.

Bon voyage Broughton Scouts! 

[Images top-right and centre: Boerkevitz, Wikimedia, Creative Commons.] 


And they're off ... Waverley Station, Friday evening