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Submitted by Editor on

After five days and nights of near constant rain, this Spurtle correspondent stepped out in leaking wellies and went for a squelch.

The sun didn't break from behind a cloud.

Instead, the neighbourhood turned out to be variously …

Droukit in St Mark's Park

St Mark's Park Gormley

and plashy by the Redbraes weir.

Tunnel near Redbraes weir

There were plowtery conditions in Puddocky

Heron beside the Water of Leith

and feechie ones in Canonmills.

Canonmills puddle

The bank was whumbled by Tanfield

Water of Leith nearly overtopping

and in Stockbridge it was fairly, um, bummelin.

Stockbridge Gormley

More rain is forecast for tomorrow and Friday and most of next week. A yellow SEPA flood alert is in place for Edinburgh and the Lothians.—AM
