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Red and blue recycling buckets may be binned if councillors sign-off the business case for new kerbside arrangements (see foot of page).

The Transport and Environment Committee meets on Tuesday next week, and on the agenda is a move from two receptacles to, um, two containers.

Metals, plastics, cardboard and paper would go into one: ‘a large bin’. Glass into the other: ‘a box’. The idea is to make recycling easier for numbskulls at home during the sorting stage, and both containers would be collected on the same day.

Why this simple rearrangement of refuse requires a new large bin and a box is not clear, but presumably there is a sound business reason for it.

We trust the contents will not all be thrown into the same lorry, but nothing would surprise us.

If approved, the new scheme could be introduced next year, when national and Council recycling targets will be set at 50 per cent. The rates as actually practised today stand at 44 per cent, so a lot of work remains to be done.

Food waste does not form part of the discussion, but it has been much on the mind of Spurtle reader, local observer and rear-end photography specialist Neil Jones

He snapped a lorry doing the rounds of Bellevue this morning, and sent it to us with the pithily sufficient comment ‘Man’s work’.

We reproduce it below and have nothing to add.



  If only they used same recycling plant as MidLothian we could throw in plastics as well, that would get the % up

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