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In Issue 199 we draw readers' attention to the helpful Edinburgh World Heritage workshops on DIY energy-saving measures around the home. If you are interested in signing up, the correct email address is:


Also in our October edition, we feature a summary of illustrious admirals recalled in the names of local streets.

However, the Transport Convener of the New Town and Broughton Community Council has contacted us this morning to chide our serious oversight of another Broughton naval connection.

Patrick Hutton reminds us that Rodney Street is named in honour of Admiral Lord George Rodney, 1st Baron Rodney (1719–92). The latter (portrayed above by Jean-Laurent Mosnier, c.1791) is best remembered, outwith Spurtle circles, for his victory over the French at the Battle of the Saintes (1782) by which he relieved an imminent threat to Jamaica.

Interestingly, British men were christened Rodney only towards the end of the 18th century and in his honour.

You can start to find out more about Rodney's career, his tactical innovations and alleged over-attachments to prize money and family members seeking jobs here.