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More detail has become available about the future St James Quarter. 

TIAA Henderson Real Estate (THRE) has submitted for approval matters relating to ‘number of residential / commercial / business units, design of external features and materials, pedestrian and cycle access arrangements, treatment to adopted roads or footways, car parking venting, servicing, surface water and drainage, and hard and soft landscaping details’.

The application (Ref. 14/05263/AMC) fleshes out many elements of the outline planning permission granted in 2009 (Ref. 08/03361/OUT). 

The proposal is for:

  • 131 Class 1–3 retail units,
  • 143 residential units
  • 52 apartment hotel rooms
  • 110 hotel rooms in Block D.

It adds little to our understanding of the hotel’s ‘landmark’ Block C  at the centre, or of John Lewis’s proposals to extend its premises. However, John Lewis is said to be considering a new facade on Little King Street, two new entrances facing Picardy Place and another on Leith Street. Applications for all these will follow separately later.

The application – worked up after detailed discussion with City of Edinburgh Council officers – comprises 138 documents and runs to hundreds of pages. Spurtle has not finished reading them all. There is enough here to keep us busy for months.

However, for those wishing to keep abreast of their ignorance, we offer a very quick guide with links to some of the more interesting and understandable parts from a layperson’s point of view. We may refine or add more pointers later.

Some readers have had difficulty using the links below. If in doubt, follow the unproblematic linked Reference number above.


very helpful, thanx :)MT @theSpurtle: St James Quarter: loads new detail, facts, photomontages 

@theSpurtle And I see the "Quarter is the new Garden" architectural trend continues. "I'm just off for a pish in Porcelain Quarter".

@theSpurtle @fountainbridge If you give @Edinburgh_CC money for trams you don't have to worry about the usual formalities.

@theSpurtle vital that existing Leith St /Picardy Place becomes pedestrian friendly @LivingStreetsEd will study St James Plans with interest

@StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd @theSpurtle and that it links up cycle routes of course!

.@SRDorman @StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd @theSpurtle Leith St especially vital for cycling provision, but has been hard to persuade so far

.@theSpurtle Had quick look. Has much we suggested :) but NOT LeithSt top. Should change 1 lane to bikeroute @StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd

 Jon ‏@looseinstincts

@SpokesLothian @theSpurtle @StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd just ban everything that isn't a bus, bike or person tbh (+ separate them)

@looseinstincts Yes, we have argued unsuccessfully for car ban :( Will continue, but zero hope @theSpurtle @StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd

@SpokesLothian @theSpurtle @StreetWurrier @LivingStreetsEd :( hopefully 20mph everywhere is start of attitude change