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Interesting graffiti continues to enliven drab corners of Broughton.

The amusing and inexplicable ‘Made in China’ (right) has been created on paper, cut out, then stuck to a wall in Union Street. It may have been drawn by ‘Elph’: the prolific artist whose figures featured temporarily on the  bricked up Scotland Street Tunnel last year.

A similar technique was used for the highly stylised toothy character adorning a junction box on the corner of West Annandale and East Claremont Streets (below right). Sadly, this has recently been vandalised.

A new (self?) portrait by ‘REMOTE’ (whose Audrey Hepburn featured in Issue 188, and birds in Breaking news, 1.11.10) now appears at the foot of Dundas Street (bottom) and next to the front door of Centrum House. Again, it is a work on paper rather than one applied directly to the display surface.

[img_assist|nid=1513|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=200|height=150]In their use of paper, are these artists now experimenting with technique or somehow evading the punishments attached to more permanent graffiti? Any information/additional images would be gratefully received.

Spurtle would also welcome help in documenting and explaining the various enigmatic stickers which now  appear on local lamp-posts and Puffin crossings. What on earth are they talking about?
