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Submitted by Editor on

Suggestions are sought for historic buildings and neighbourhoods needing regeneration in the World Heritage Site and adjacent Conservation Areas (in blue below).

Selected properties will benefit under Edinburgh World Heritage’s three-year Conservation Funding Programme (2022–25), which is backed by Historic Environment Scotland.

Anyone can informally submit ideas, and funding for chosen proposals will be available to participating owners and tenants.


The scheme will favour projects where the need is greatest and enhancements will have the most impact.

EWH says the programme is important because, as well as improving the built environment, the regeneration work will promote the use of traditional materials and skills through training and apprenticeships.

‘The conservation of buildings and neighbourhoods will also improve the wellbeing of residents, owners, tenants and the wider community and provide a boost to the economy post-Covid-19.’

Con Areas

To submit your suggestions, download and complete the file at the foot of this page and then send it to
