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We thank reader John MacDonald for this photograph, taken recently in the Botanics. 

'It's a glorious field of predominantly yellow and occasionally blue wildflowers – quite unusual for the Botanics – situated next to the 1970s glasshouses.

'A section of ground has been planted with red poppies as a memorial to the fallen soldiers of World War I.

'However, the gardeners must have planted other wildflowers to come out at a time when the poppies are dormant.'

Elsewhere in the neighbourhood, Margaret Featherstone recommends the 'understated beauty of unmown grass'.

She says, 'We stood and looked at it for ages on Calton Hill, last week, just watching as it waved backwards and forwards in the wind.'

If you have any summery scenes you'd like to share with others, please send them to us at: and @theSpurtle and Facebook


 Pamela Dobbie Beautiful. I saw that wildflower meadow last year when full of poppies...amazingly poignant.