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One of this Spurtle correspondent’s favourite places outwith Broughton is the Edinburgh Central Library on George IV Bridge. 

And one of the things he likes most about the place is that it’s not on George IV Bridge at all but on the Cowgate, four storeys and many miles below. 

On a visit there earlier this week he had occasion to visit the bowels of the building in response to a call of nature.

The loos are situated at the third basement level, but distracted by an unusual creaking in one or other of his shoes and focusing intently upon them rather than his immediate surroundings, said correspondent missed his stop and continued downwards in an anti-clockwise direction for he knows not how many turns.

On belatedly paying attention, this is what became apparent: an enormous 360º Tequila Sunrise. It may well be the tangerine path to the Everlasting Bonfire, or the Bongo Club, or both. If any reader can date the tiles, it would be interesting to hear from them.

Closer to home, we had a preview of what promises to become one of the East End’s great (free) theatrical events: sunset reflected in the windows of the new building under construction on South St David Street. The full effect is obscured from this angle by overhead lights on Rose Street, and by strips of tape which have yet to be removed from the panes – but even so it was a spectacular portent of things to come.

Closer to home still, Cathedral Lane is well and truly closed. Not even the St James’ Place giant can get through. It’s odd to think of so many vibrant oranges, pinks, reds and whites beneath our feet, but presumably they’re there to make the task of distinguishing pipe from pipe more easy in years to come. Let’s just hope someone’s learned the lessons of the Leith Walk utility works and remembered to make a note of it all.

Barony Street resounded last week to the sound of rejoicing buttocks. The Scottish Historic Buildings Trust is running a Community Cinema on Friday afternoons and evenings in the old Glasite Meeting House at No. 33, and, with a view to generating revenue to help maintain and restore the building, it is intent on getting bums on pews.

To these ends, it has invested in generously stuffed cushions. Jolly comfortable and much appreciated they were too.

And finally, we come to Rodney Street, where the Marshmallow Lady today is possibly reacting to events in Brussels or an alternative reading of The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner.

Have a great weekend, everyone!