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Anyone else beginning to tire of Broughton's summer damps?

We think we've discovered the perfect antidote. Home and Abroad is an exhibition of sunshine-infused works by husband and wife Joe and Gaye Broadley, currently showing in the Bon Papillon gallery on Howe Street.

Joe is largely self-taught but studied part time at the Glasgow School of Art.

Influenced by the Colourists and Impressionists, his depictions of land, sea and cities concentrate on tonal qualities of light and colour. Sometimes, as in 'La Pescheria, Venice' (right) or 'Mallorcan Church' (below) he studies enviably bright-looking Mediterranean locations. Sometimes, as in the stunning 'Lismore Lighthouse', he concentrates on the challenge of capturing the darker blues and greys of more northerly climes.


Gaye Broadley paints on silk, creating delicate washes of colour which subtly distort her scenes as if viewed through old glass or wrongly prescribed spectacle lenses.

Particular favourites in this show were her 'No. 63 The New Town' (allegedly Northumberland Street, but I huv ma doots) and '"Remembrance", Carradale'.


The works in this exhibition do not inspire deep thought or long soul-searching. They are cheerful, uplifting, retina-tingling celebrations ... and thoroughly welcome for it.

[Home and Abroad shows at Bon Papillon, 15 Howe St, until 27 July. Closed 8–12 July.]
