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Much has been written lately about how the referendum debate energised political culture in Scotland, particularly among the young. 

Some evidence for this appears in two second-floor Leith Street windows, where a very public display of conviction, curiosity and creativity has been intriguing passers-by and those idly staring into space whilst waiting at the bus stop. 

Responding to an enquiry from a baffled overseas vistior staying at the King James Hotel opposite, Spurtle’s Youth Correspondent decided to look more closely.

Starting from top-right, we find in Window 1:
  • ‘quan kun’: the Chinese pinyin combining ‘heaven and earth; cosmos; universe’ and ‘male and female; positive and negative’.
  • A red cushion?
  • Possibly the Bhudda seated beneath the Bodhi Tree prior to enlightenment.
  • The Beatles arriving at  JFK Airport, February 1964.
  • Drawing of a face.
  • Smiley face with paper stuck-on mouth.
  • The Clash’s 1980 album cover for London Calling.

Window 2 is more overtly political. Working clockwise from top-left:

  • Chimpanzee with heart symbol.
  • Scottish saltire. 
  • ‘HAMELESS HUVNI GOAT A HAME DAVEY BOY’: Perhaps a message to David Cameron inspired by the Access Point (TAP) at Nos 17–23.
  • ‘NICITY KNAKITY NOO, NOO, NOO’: possibly the chorus to a popular folk song, or possibly not.
  • ‘Education Tought ME TO say YES AND NOT NAW: 10/10 for irony.
  • ‘YES’: It’s now fairly clear which way this resident was leaning.
  • ‘ONE CANT HIDE 1.6 miLLiON’: 1.6 million being the number of people who voted Yes in favour of Scottish independence.
  • ‘AND for THE RECORD ONLY a WUMUN HaS THaT CHOICE’: presumably, a non-sequitur in favour of women’s right to choose abortion.
  • Sunday Herald Life cover (28.9.14), featuring Andrew Dhesi and Victoria Eve: ‘THE FASHION ISSUE. Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls. THE NEW ANDROGYNY’.


@theSpurtle London Calling was, arguably, a 1979 album...

@NewTownFlaneur indeed, 1979.The Clash, in Death or Glory, argued that just people with bizarre tendencies would join the church.

@apotropaicatom @NewTownFlaneur Well, didn't reach Youth Correspondent's faraway town till year later. Shortly after hot & cold electricity.