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Being sophisticated metropolitan types, Broughton's citizens are hardly likely to believe crop circles are the work of dancing fairy folk or visiting alien intelligences.

However, locals are short of alternative explanations for a series of mysterious designs which have appeared in the Rodney Street Tunnel between King George V Park and the Broughton Road branch of Tesco.

First noticed at the beginning of last week, 8 extraordinary symbols have been laid out using white gravel against the red hardcore to one side of the footpath/cycleway.

Few of them are familiar. One is certainly a Greek omega. Another resembles a magic lamp and a third a praying mantis (above right). Several of them are complemented by pairs of lady's not-exactly-spotless white panties.






















In addition are three block-mounted installations, two of which have now been knocked over or destroyed by wind, wallies and the attentions of passing dogs. The survivor (below) comprises an elaborate series of interconnecting patterns and paper streamers. It may be a stylised face.








What does it all mean? No-one Spurtle has found can offer an explanation. We understand Council officials will visit the site in the next few days to assess whether the underground artworks, and their associated underwear, present any kind of health and safety issue.

If a Spurtle reader knows who is behind these interesting additions to the area or thinks they can interpret them, please let us know.

In the meantime, we offer (below) a photograph taken at the north-east end of the tunnel, alleged to show self-portraits by 4 Venusian morph-men who sheltered here from the rain over the weekend.


I read a laminate that was left there not long after they appeared, it was for some sort of art project/ festival thing!
Aha, well I suppose even aliens have art projects. Lucky for us you understand Venusian. Thanks.
Ella Taylor-Smith Visited? We live here.
At last, an explanation! The troglodyte art turns out to have been a collaborative project on 9 June – 'Micro Movement' – aiming to create a series of "artefacts" or imagined objects. The project will explore how commonplace or overlooked articles could be visual motifs that approximate the visual tradions of a "displaced" culture, or micro movement'. See the Facebook page at: []. Thanks to Tony Conlon for the steer.