Drum Property Group and CAMVO123 Ltd will seek public feedback on new proposals for the 2.9-acre site at Stead’s Place as part of their proposal of application notice for a major development.
The interactive consultation will start tomorrow HERE and continue until 19 November. Questions and comments can be emailed to the design team from midday till 8pm tomorrow HERE. A questionnaire will also be available for completion. It, along with any other comments, can be sent HERE by 19 November.
Drum’s plans include retaining and refurbishing the landmark red sandstone building at the Foot of the Walk for various commercial uses, and demolishing the industrial estate to the rear. In place of the various workshops would rise ‘much needed local housing’ linked to Pilrig Park.
This latest round of consultation follows a previous online exercise in July, and a Drum spokesperson says the latest proposals respond directly to public feedback received at that earlier event.
If Spurtle readers participate tomorrow, we’d be very interested to hear their reactions by email to spurtle@hotmail.co.uk.