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Clear skies above and penetrating winds below. It’s been properly cold in Broughton today and sleet’s predicted for later in the week.

No wonder fingers have been turning blue in the barony.

These ones belong to staff and children at The Edinburgh Nursery on East London Street.

We counted 105 hands in all, plus greetings in a variety of world languages … none of them Greek, in which culture such massed moutzas would carry different connotations altogether. 

The weak sunshine over recent days seems to have brought out the optimst in Broughton Street’s business community.

Curiouser and Curiouser recall the age-old spring custom of letting one’s pet rabbit play with a box of matches on one's pile of leftover fireworks.

Narcissus are already advertising a fresh series of flower-arranging lessons for the new season …

and have painted a handy reminder in their window in case the icicles on your extremities distract you from the T-shirt and sunglasses weather just over the horizon.

Meanwhile, this bicycle next to Natural Selection on Forth Street is getting in the mood, with artfully chosen unnatural decorations.

But for the simplest, most incontrovertible evidence that even this bitterest of months must eventually give way to something cheerier, look no further than the steps of Nom de Plume.

A solitary daffodil, and memories of Welshmen vanishing like winter snow.