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Submitted by Editor on

One of the competitions in yesterday's Doggie Fun Sunday involved guessing the purpose of this wooden (usually wall-mounted) domestic contraption.

Measuring about two-and-a-half feet in length, it comprises 8, notched arms, all of which can be removed from the storage positions in which they are shown in this photograph.

Depending on your point of view, this competition illustrates the relative stupidity/intelligence of dogs and humans. On the one hand, no dogs entered owing to lack of small change and imagination. On the other, no dogs wasted time, effort and material assets on a puzzle which was practically impossible unless you happened to have seen one before and had had it explained.

At no expense, Spurtle readers are now invited to come up with a solution of their own. The correct answer will appear at the bottom of this article later today.



OK, enough suspense. The mystery object can now be revealed as a space-saving clothes drier. The wooden arms are brought out vertically and rearranged horizontally, their notches hooking onto the metal semi-circle at the top. What you end up with is half a rotary garden dryer indoors. The one in the photo is quite old, but you can see a modern equivalent assembled here.

Spurtle would welcome further objects of a mysterious nature. Please send us your photographs.