In Issue 312 (p.4) we report plans to build a temporary ‘alpine’ village of 12 party shacks in St James Square behind the new shopping centre (21/05177/FUL).
Nuveen Real Estate seeks planning consent for 9–10-week slots each winter festive period from now until 2024–25, and so confident are they of success that they’ve already started construction.
Not everyone shares their enthusiasm, and Spurtle hears rumblings which may yet add glue to the Bar Hütte glühwein.
Concerns centre around the amenity of neighbours, on whom the effect of well-lubricated revellers caterwauling ‘Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ from 11am to 11pm for two months is not hard to imagine.
Sceptics seek clarification about how often live and amplified music will feature, at what volume, and about the likely consequences of radiant revellers congregating outside the venue as they await entrance or linger after departure.
Sceptics suggest any planning consent should be limited to one year in the first instance, so that disruptive impacts can be properly assessed and moderated early.
Whether you’d like to join the triumph of the DJs or would prefer a modicum of peace on earth, you can have your say here by Friday 5 November.
